Karthik's SharePoint Blog
Monday, 26 February 2018
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
Add post render in custom methods - Sharepoint
Call post render events will help to render the html design after the page load event.
Create a new calback.js file for render functions:
function DW_AddPostRenderCallback(renderCtx, newCallback) {
DW_AddRenderCallback(renderCtx, 'OnPostRender', newCallback, false);
function DW_AddRenderCallback(renderCtx, callbackType, newCallback, enforceUnique) {
if (Boolean(renderCtx) && typeof newCallback == 'function' && callbackType != '') {
var renderCallbacks = renderCtx[callbackType];
if (renderCallbacks == null)
renderCtx[callbackType] = newCallback;
else if (typeof renderCallbacks == "function") {
if (!Boolean(enforceUnique) || String(renderCallbacks) != String(newCallback)) {
var array = [];
renderCtx[callbackType] = array;
else if (typeof renderCallbacks == "object") {
var exists = false;
if (Boolean(enforceUnique)) {
for (var i = 0; i < renderCallbacks.length; i++) {
if (renderCallbacks[i] == newCallback) {
exists = true;
if (!exists)
function DW_CallFunctionWithErrorHandling(fn, c, erv, execCtx) {
if (DWClientRenderer.IsDebugMode(c)) {
return fn();
try {
return fn();
catch (e) {
if (c.Errors == null)
c.Errors = [];
try {
e.ExecutionContext = execCtx;
if (Boolean(DWClientRenderer.AddCallStackInfoToErrors) && typeof execCtx == "object" && null != execCtx) {
execCtx.CallStack = ULSGetCallstack(DW_CallFunctionWithErrorHandling.caller);
catch (ignoreErr) { }
return erv;
DWClientRenderer = {
GlobalDebugMode: false,
AddCallStackInfoToErrors: false,
RenderErrors: true
DWClientRenderer.IsDebugMode = function (renderCtx) {
if (typeof renderCtx != "undefined" && null != renderCtx && typeof renderCtx.DebugMode != "undefined") {
return Boolean(renderCtx.DebugMode);
else {
return Boolean(DWClientRenderer.GlobalDebugMode);
//function ULSSwq() {
// var o = new Object;
// o.ULSTeamName = "Microsoft SharePoint Foundation";
// o.ULSFileName = "clientrenderer.commentedjs";
// return o;
var DWClientRenderer;
DWClientRenderer._ExecuteRenderCallbacks = function (renderCtx, callbackType) {
var templateExecContext = {
Operation: callbackType
var fn = function () {
// ULSSwq(); ;
return DWClientRenderer._ExecuteRenderCallbacksWorker(renderCtx, callbackType, templateExecContext);
return DW_CallFunctionWithErrorHandling(fn, renderCtx, null, templateExecContext);
DWClientRenderer._ExecuteRenderCallbacksWorker = function (renderCtx, callbackType, templateExecContext) {
if (!renderCtx || callbackType == null || callbackType == '')
var renderCallbacks = renderCtx[callbackType];
if (renderCallbacks == null)
if (typeof renderCallbacks == "function") {
templateExecContext.TemplateFunction = renderCallbacks;
else if (typeof renderCallbacks == "object") {
var numCallbacks = renderCallbacks.length;
if (numCallbacks && typeof numCallbacks == "number") {
for (var n = 0; n < Number(numCallbacks) ; n++) {
if (typeof renderCallbacks[n] == "function") {
templateExecContext.TemplateFunction = renderCallbacks[n];
Call in Document.ready function
$(document).ready(function () {
var dw_NewsComments = new DigitalWorkplace.NewsHub.dwNewsComments();
//if($('.comments-row').size() > 0) {
dw_NewsComments.GetNewsComments().then(function (dw_commentsCtx) {
if (dw_commentsCtx !== null)
DWClientRenderer._ExecuteRenderCallbacks(dw_commentsCtx, 'OnPostRender');
/* JS Methods for Callback Implementation
Make sure that these functions are not referred in any other files loading in the same page */
Method Implementation:
// Add all the new items
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
currentObj.RenderComments(items[i], ctx);
--------------------- -----------------------
RenderComments(item: any, ctx: any): void {
var currentpage = _spPageContextInfo.pageItemId.toString();
var currentuser = _spPageContextInfo.userId.toString();
var thisTitle = item.ID;
var updateBody = $(item.Body).text();
var displayBody = updateBody.replace(/\n/g, '<br />');
var checkDate = function (n) { return (Number(n) < 10) ? "0" + n : String(n); };
var createdDate = new Date(item.Created);
var delimiter = ".";
var thisModDate = checkDate(createdDate.getDate()) + delimiter + checkDate(createdDate.getMonth() + 1) + delimiter + createdDate.getFullYear();
//var thisModDate = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('MM dd, yy', new Date(items[i].Created));
//var thisModDate = "12-02-2017";
var thisModDateHours = new Date(item.Created).getHours();
var thisModDateMinutes = new Date(item.Created).getMinutes().toString();
var ampm = 'AM';
var authLogin = item.Author.Name;
var authID = item.Author.ID;
//var authLoginName = authLogin.substring(authLogin.indexOf('membership|') + 11);
if (thisModDateHours > 12) {
thisModDateHours = thisModDateHours - 12;
var ampm = 'PM';
if (thisModDateMinutes.toString().length < 2) {
thisModDateMinutes = '0' + thisModDateMinutes;
if (authID == currentuser) {
if (item.CommentPageID == currentpage) {
$('.comment-list').append('<div class="comment-wrapper"><div authorName=' + authLogin + ' id=userInfo_' + thisTitle + '></div><div class="comment-author row">' +
'<div class="comment-tools" > <span id=commentSave_' + thisTitle + ' class="comment-save" style= "display:none">'+
'<a onclick= "DigitalWorkplace.NewsHub.dwNewsComments.prototype.UpdateNewsComments("' + thisTitle + '","#Update_Body' + thisTitle + '");" >' +
'<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-save" > </i></a> </span><span id=commentCancel_' + thisTitle + ' class="comment-cancel" style="display:none">' +
'<a onclick="DigitalWorkplace.NewsHub.dwNewsComments.prototype.CancelCommentButtons("' + thisTitle + '",this);return false;" href= "#"">' +
'<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" > </i> </a> </span> <span id=commentEdit_' + thisTitle + ' class="comment- edit" >' +
'<a onclick="DigitalWorkplace.NewsHub.dwNewsComments.prototype.EditCommentButtons("' + thisTitle + ' ",this); return false; " href= "#" >' +
'<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"> </i> </a> </span> <span class="comment-delete" >'
+ '<a onclick= "DigitalWorkplace.NewsHub.dwNewsComments.prototype.DeleteNewsComments("' + thisTitle + '");" >' +
'<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"> </i> </a> </span> </div> <div id=commentUpdate_' + thisTitle + ' class="comment-update" style="display: none" >' +
'<textarea id="Update_Body' + thisTitle + '" rows= "4" > ' + updateBody + ' </textarea> </div > <div id=authorInfo_' + thisTitle + ' class="author-info" >' +
'<div class="author-name" > ' + item.Author.Title + ' </div> <div class="comment-time" > commented on ' + thisModDate + ' at ' + thisModDateHours + ':' +
thisModDateMinutes + ' ' + ampm + '</div > </div > </div> <div id=commentBody_' + thisTitle + ' class="comment-body" > ' + displayBody + ' </div> </div > ');
else {
if (item.CommentPageID == currentpage) {
$('.comment-list').append('<div class="comment-wrapper"><div authorName=' + authLogin + ' id=userInfo_' + thisTitle + '></div> <div class="comment-author row">' +
'<div id=authorInfo_' + thisTitle + ' class="author-info" > <div class="author-name" > ' + item.Author.Title + ' </div> <div class="comment-time">commented on ' + thisModDate +
' at ' + thisModDateHours + ':' + thisModDateMinutes + ' ' + ampm + '</div></div></div> <div id=commentBody_' + thisTitle + ' class="comment-body" > ' + item.Body +
' </div></div > ');
var id = SP.Guid.newGuid().toString();
var userPersonaId = 'userInfo_' + thisTitle;
DW_AddPostRenderCallback(ctx, function () {
var personaControlElement = document.getElementById(userPersonaId);
if (personaControlElement === undefined || personaControlElement === null) {
//Srch.U.ensureCSSClassNameExist(personaControlElement, "ms-srch-display-none");
var executeOptions = {
url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/SP.UserProfiles.PeopleManager/GetPropertiesFor(accountName=@v)?@v='" + authLogin + "'",
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
Accept: "application/json;odata=verbose"
$.ajax(executeOptions).then(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var result = data;
//user display name
var userDisplayName = result.d.DisplayName;
if (userDisplayName !== undefined && userDisplayName !== null && userDisplayName != '') {
var shortName = "";
var fullName = userDisplayName;
if (fullName !== "") {
if (fullName.indexOf(",") > -1) {
var idx = fullName.indexOf(",");
shortName = fullName.slice(0, idx);
var idx2 = fullName.indexOf(" ", idx + 2);
shortName += ", " + fullName.slice(idx + 2, idx2);
else {
shortName = fullName;
userDisplayName = shortName;
var userObj = result.d;
var userName = userObj.AccountName;
var userSiteUri = userObj.PersonalUrl;
//var userId = userObj.get_id();
var userPictureUri = userObj.PictureUrl;
var userEmailAddress = userObj.Email;
//Get user presence
var htmlStr = "";
if (userName !== undefined) {
if (userPictureUri == null || userPictureUri == "") {
var picsStr = '<span class="ms-imnSpan"><a href="#" onclick="IMNImageOnClick(event);return false;" class="ms-imnlink ms-spimn-presenceLink"><span class="ms-spimn-presenceWrapper ms-spimn-imgSize-8x72"><img onload="IMNRC(\'' + userEmailAddress + '\')" name="imnmark" title="' + userName + '" ShowOfflinePawn="1" class="ms-spimn-img ms-spimn-presence-disconnected-8x72x32" src="/_layouts/15/images/spimn.png?rev=23" alt="' + userName + '" sip="' + userEmailAddress + '" id="imn_' + id + ',type=sip" /></span></a></span></span><span class="ms-imnSpan"><a href="#" onclick="IMNImageOnClick(event);return false;" class="ms-imnlink" tabIndex="-1"><img onload="IMNRC(\'' + userEmailAddress + '\')" name="imnmark" title="T_' + userName + '" ShowOfflinePawn="1" class="ms-hide" src="/_layouts/15/images/spimn.png?rev=23" alt="' + userName + '" sip="' + userEmailAddress + '" id="simn_' + id + ',type=sip" /></a><span class="ms-peopleux-imgUserLink"><span class="ms-peopleux-userImgWrapper" style="width:72px; height:72px"><a href="' + userSiteUri + '"><div class="authorImg"><img src="/_layouts/15/images/PersonPlaceholder.200x150x32.png" alt="' + userName + '" /></div></a></span></span></span>';
} else {
var picsStr = '<span class="ms-imnSpan"><a href="#" onclick="IMNImageOnClick(event);return false;" class="ms-imnlink ms-spimn-presenceLink"><span class="ms-spimn-presenceWrapper ms-spimn-imgSize-8x72"><img onload="IMNRC(\'' + userEmailAddress + '\')" name="imnmark" title="' + userName + '" ShowOfflinePawn="1" class="ms-spimn-img ms-spimn-presence-disconnected-8x72x32" src="/_layouts/15/images/spimn.png?rev=23" alt="' + userName + '" sip="' + userEmailAddress + '" id="imn_' + id + ',type=sip" /></span></a></span></span><span class="ms-imnSpan"><a href="#" onclick="IMNImageOnClick(event);return false;" class="ms-imnlink" tabIndex="-1"><img onload="IMNRC(\'' + userEmailAddress + '\')" name="imnmark" title="T_' + userName + '" ShowOfflinePawn="1" class="ms-hide" src="/_layouts/15/images/spimn.png?rev=23" alt="' + userName + '" sip="' + userEmailAddress + '" id="simn_' + id + ',type=sip" /></a><span class="ms-peopleux-imgUserLink"><span class="ms-peopleux-userImgWrapper" style="width:72px; height:72px"><a href="' + userSiteUri + '"><div class="authorImg"><img src="' + userPictureUri + '" alt="' + userName + '" /></div></a></span></span></span>';
htmlStr += picsStr;
$('#' + userPersonaId).html(htmlStr);
}, function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.log('error in fetching user properties' + errorThrown + jqXHR.responseText);
return null;
Create a new calback.js file for render functions:
function DW_AddPostRenderCallback(renderCtx, newCallback) {
DW_AddRenderCallback(renderCtx, 'OnPostRender', newCallback, false);
function DW_AddRenderCallback(renderCtx, callbackType, newCallback, enforceUnique) {
if (Boolean(renderCtx) && typeof newCallback == 'function' && callbackType != '') {
var renderCallbacks = renderCtx[callbackType];
if (renderCallbacks == null)
renderCtx[callbackType] = newCallback;
else if (typeof renderCallbacks == "function") {
if (!Boolean(enforceUnique) || String(renderCallbacks) != String(newCallback)) {
var array = [];
renderCtx[callbackType] = array;
else if (typeof renderCallbacks == "object") {
var exists = false;
if (Boolean(enforceUnique)) {
for (var i = 0; i < renderCallbacks.length; i++) {
if (renderCallbacks[i] == newCallback) {
exists = true;
if (!exists)
function DW_CallFunctionWithErrorHandling(fn, c, erv, execCtx) {
if (DWClientRenderer.IsDebugMode(c)) {
return fn();
try {
return fn();
catch (e) {
if (c.Errors == null)
c.Errors = [];
try {
e.ExecutionContext = execCtx;
if (Boolean(DWClientRenderer.AddCallStackInfoToErrors) && typeof execCtx == "object" && null != execCtx) {
execCtx.CallStack = ULSGetCallstack(DW_CallFunctionWithErrorHandling.caller);
catch (ignoreErr) { }
return erv;
DWClientRenderer = {
GlobalDebugMode: false,
AddCallStackInfoToErrors: false,
RenderErrors: true
DWClientRenderer.IsDebugMode = function (renderCtx) {
if (typeof renderCtx != "undefined" && null != renderCtx && typeof renderCtx.DebugMode != "undefined") {
return Boolean(renderCtx.DebugMode);
else {
return Boolean(DWClientRenderer.GlobalDebugMode);
//function ULSSwq() {
// var o = new Object;
// o.ULSTeamName = "Microsoft SharePoint Foundation";
// o.ULSFileName = "clientrenderer.commentedjs";
// return o;
var DWClientRenderer;
DWClientRenderer._ExecuteRenderCallbacks = function (renderCtx, callbackType) {
var templateExecContext = {
Operation: callbackType
var fn = function () {
// ULSSwq(); ;
return DWClientRenderer._ExecuteRenderCallbacksWorker(renderCtx, callbackType, templateExecContext);
return DW_CallFunctionWithErrorHandling(fn, renderCtx, null, templateExecContext);
DWClientRenderer._ExecuteRenderCallbacksWorker = function (renderCtx, callbackType, templateExecContext) {
if (!renderCtx || callbackType == null || callbackType == '')
var renderCallbacks = renderCtx[callbackType];
if (renderCallbacks == null)
if (typeof renderCallbacks == "function") {
templateExecContext.TemplateFunction = renderCallbacks;
else if (typeof renderCallbacks == "object") {
var numCallbacks = renderCallbacks.length;
if (numCallbacks && typeof numCallbacks == "number") {
for (var n = 0; n < Number(numCallbacks) ; n++) {
if (typeof renderCallbacks[n] == "function") {
templateExecContext.TemplateFunction = renderCallbacks[n];
Call in Document.ready function
$(document).ready(function () {
var dw_NewsComments = new DigitalWorkplace.NewsHub.dwNewsComments();
//if($('.comments-row').size() > 0) {
dw_NewsComments.GetNewsComments().then(function (dw_commentsCtx) {
if (dw_commentsCtx !== null)
DWClientRenderer._ExecuteRenderCallbacks(dw_commentsCtx, 'OnPostRender');
/* JS Methods for Callback Implementation
Make sure that these functions are not referred in any other files loading in the same page */
Method Implementation:
// Add all the new items
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
currentObj.RenderComments(items[i], ctx);
--------------------- -----------------------
RenderComments(item: any, ctx: any): void {
var currentpage = _spPageContextInfo.pageItemId.toString();
var currentuser = _spPageContextInfo.userId.toString();
var thisTitle = item.ID;
var updateBody = $(item.Body).text();
var displayBody = updateBody.replace(/\n/g, '<br />');
var checkDate = function (n) { return (Number(n) < 10) ? "0" + n : String(n); };
var createdDate = new Date(item.Created);
var delimiter = ".";
var thisModDate = checkDate(createdDate.getDate()) + delimiter + checkDate(createdDate.getMonth() + 1) + delimiter + createdDate.getFullYear();
//var thisModDate = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('MM dd, yy', new Date(items[i].Created));
//var thisModDate = "12-02-2017";
var thisModDateHours = new Date(item.Created).getHours();
var thisModDateMinutes = new Date(item.Created).getMinutes().toString();
var ampm = 'AM';
var authLogin = item.Author.Name;
var authID = item.Author.ID;
//var authLoginName = authLogin.substring(authLogin.indexOf('membership|') + 11);
if (thisModDateHours > 12) {
thisModDateHours = thisModDateHours - 12;
var ampm = 'PM';
if (thisModDateMinutes.toString().length < 2) {
thisModDateMinutes = '0' + thisModDateMinutes;
if (authID == currentuser) {
if (item.CommentPageID == currentpage) {
$('.comment-list').append('<div class="comment-wrapper"><div authorName=' + authLogin + ' id=userInfo_' + thisTitle + '></div><div class="comment-author row">' +
'<div class="comment-tools" > <span id=commentSave_' + thisTitle + ' class="comment-save" style= "display:none">'+
'<a onclick= "DigitalWorkplace.NewsHub.dwNewsComments.prototype.UpdateNewsComments("' + thisTitle + '","#Update_Body' + thisTitle + '");" >' +
'<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-save" > </i></a> </span><span id=commentCancel_' + thisTitle + ' class="comment-cancel" style="display:none">' +
'<a onclick="DigitalWorkplace.NewsHub.dwNewsComments.prototype.CancelCommentButtons("' + thisTitle + '",this);return false;" href= "#"">' +
'<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" > </i> </a> </span> <span id=commentEdit_' + thisTitle + ' class="comment- edit" >' +
'<a onclick="DigitalWorkplace.NewsHub.dwNewsComments.prototype.EditCommentButtons("' + thisTitle + ' ",this); return false; " href= "#" >' +
'<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"> </i> </a> </span> <span class="comment-delete" >'
+ '<a onclick= "DigitalWorkplace.NewsHub.dwNewsComments.prototype.DeleteNewsComments("' + thisTitle + '");" >' +
'<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"> </i> </a> </span> </div> <div id=commentUpdate_' + thisTitle + ' class="comment-update" style="display: none" >' +
'<textarea id="Update_Body' + thisTitle + '" rows= "4" > ' + updateBody + ' </textarea> </div > <div id=authorInfo_' + thisTitle + ' class="author-info" >' +
'<div class="author-name" > ' + item.Author.Title + ' </div> <div class="comment-time" > commented on ' + thisModDate + ' at ' + thisModDateHours + ':' +
thisModDateMinutes + ' ' + ampm + '</div > </div > </div> <div id=commentBody_' + thisTitle + ' class="comment-body" > ' + displayBody + ' </div> </div > ');
else {
if (item.CommentPageID == currentpage) {
$('.comment-list').append('<div class="comment-wrapper"><div authorName=' + authLogin + ' id=userInfo_' + thisTitle + '></div> <div class="comment-author row">' +
'<div id=authorInfo_' + thisTitle + ' class="author-info" > <div class="author-name" > ' + item.Author.Title + ' </div> <div class="comment-time">commented on ' + thisModDate +
' at ' + thisModDateHours + ':' + thisModDateMinutes + ' ' + ampm + '</div></div></div> <div id=commentBody_' + thisTitle + ' class="comment-body" > ' + item.Body +
' </div></div > ');
var id = SP.Guid.newGuid().toString();
var userPersonaId = 'userInfo_' + thisTitle;
DW_AddPostRenderCallback(ctx, function () {
var personaControlElement = document.getElementById(userPersonaId);
if (personaControlElement === undefined || personaControlElement === null) {
//Srch.U.ensureCSSClassNameExist(personaControlElement, "ms-srch-display-none");
var executeOptions = {
url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/SP.UserProfiles.PeopleManager/GetPropertiesFor(accountName=@v)?@v='" + authLogin + "'",
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
Accept: "application/json;odata=verbose"
$.ajax(executeOptions).then(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var result = data;
//user display name
var userDisplayName = result.d.DisplayName;
if (userDisplayName !== undefined && userDisplayName !== null && userDisplayName != '') {
var shortName = "";
var fullName = userDisplayName;
if (fullName !== "") {
if (fullName.indexOf(",") > -1) {
var idx = fullName.indexOf(",");
shortName = fullName.slice(0, idx);
var idx2 = fullName.indexOf(" ", idx + 2);
shortName += ", " + fullName.slice(idx + 2, idx2);
else {
shortName = fullName;
userDisplayName = shortName;
var userObj = result.d;
var userName = userObj.AccountName;
var userSiteUri = userObj.PersonalUrl;
//var userId = userObj.get_id();
var userPictureUri = userObj.PictureUrl;
var userEmailAddress = userObj.Email;
//Get user presence
var htmlStr = "";
if (userName !== undefined) {
if (userPictureUri == null || userPictureUri == "") {
var picsStr = '<span class="ms-imnSpan"><a href="#" onclick="IMNImageOnClick(event);return false;" class="ms-imnlink ms-spimn-presenceLink"><span class="ms-spimn-presenceWrapper ms-spimn-imgSize-8x72"><img onload="IMNRC(\'' + userEmailAddress + '\')" name="imnmark" title="' + userName + '" ShowOfflinePawn="1" class="ms-spimn-img ms-spimn-presence-disconnected-8x72x32" src="/_layouts/15/images/spimn.png?rev=23" alt="' + userName + '" sip="' + userEmailAddress + '" id="imn_' + id + ',type=sip" /></span></a></span></span><span class="ms-imnSpan"><a href="#" onclick="IMNImageOnClick(event);return false;" class="ms-imnlink" tabIndex="-1"><img onload="IMNRC(\'' + userEmailAddress + '\')" name="imnmark" title="T_' + userName + '" ShowOfflinePawn="1" class="ms-hide" src="/_layouts/15/images/spimn.png?rev=23" alt="' + userName + '" sip="' + userEmailAddress + '" id="simn_' + id + ',type=sip" /></a><span class="ms-peopleux-imgUserLink"><span class="ms-peopleux-userImgWrapper" style="width:72px; height:72px"><a href="' + userSiteUri + '"><div class="authorImg"><img src="/_layouts/15/images/PersonPlaceholder.200x150x32.png" alt="' + userName + '" /></div></a></span></span></span>';
} else {
var picsStr = '<span class="ms-imnSpan"><a href="#" onclick="IMNImageOnClick(event);return false;" class="ms-imnlink ms-spimn-presenceLink"><span class="ms-spimn-presenceWrapper ms-spimn-imgSize-8x72"><img onload="IMNRC(\'' + userEmailAddress + '\')" name="imnmark" title="' + userName + '" ShowOfflinePawn="1" class="ms-spimn-img ms-spimn-presence-disconnected-8x72x32" src="/_layouts/15/images/spimn.png?rev=23" alt="' + userName + '" sip="' + userEmailAddress + '" id="imn_' + id + ',type=sip" /></span></a></span></span><span class="ms-imnSpan"><a href="#" onclick="IMNImageOnClick(event);return false;" class="ms-imnlink" tabIndex="-1"><img onload="IMNRC(\'' + userEmailAddress + '\')" name="imnmark" title="T_' + userName + '" ShowOfflinePawn="1" class="ms-hide" src="/_layouts/15/images/spimn.png?rev=23" alt="' + userName + '" sip="' + userEmailAddress + '" id="simn_' + id + ',type=sip" /></a><span class="ms-peopleux-imgUserLink"><span class="ms-peopleux-userImgWrapper" style="width:72px; height:72px"><a href="' + userSiteUri + '"><div class="authorImg"><img src="' + userPictureUri + '" alt="' + userName + '" /></div></a></span></span></span>';
htmlStr += picsStr;
$('#' + userPersonaId).html(htmlStr);
}, function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.log('error in fetching user properties' + errorThrown + jqXHR.responseText);
return null;
Visual Studio - Disable Warning and Errors while compiling in TypeScript files
Unload the VS project and edit .csproj file. Add the following lines,
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